Q1: Define social media.
xpressmovers A1: Social media is the hi-tech way of interaction between people, groups and businesses I'd say.
HolmanMoving Can't take credit for this, but it's a perfect definition. Social media is word of mouth at the speed of light.
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving: Good one!
seamlessmoves A1: Social media is made up of communities of people who have like interests and skills
Maritime_Moving Internet based social interaction used for personal and business purposes.
PortageCartage You can also define social media by talking about what it's NOT.
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers Thanks! Came up in the Relocation and Social Media LinkedIn group that I manage.
HolmanMoving It's NOT a free advertising forum or sneaky way to spam people.
xpressmovers It could mean everything for the people that use it and nothing to the ones that not or abuse it.
HolmanMoving RT @xpressmovers: Soc med can mean everything for the people that use it and nothing to the ones that abuse it.
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers And the abuse is terrible. Nothing irritates me more than sales speak - try a genuine conversation!
xpressmovers @Holman Agreed! I see a lot of links lately on tweets that lead to spyware/spam websties.
Q2: In May 2010, http://netprospex.com/np/social showed the moving biz is ranked 48th of 50 top SM industries. Why are we so low? The report also said that we're the only blue-collar industry to make the top 50. Thoughts?
HolmanMoving Lack of internal knowledge and understanding combined with shrinking budgets and few new folks entering the biz.
Maritime_Moving No offense to anyone but SM is more of a younger generation form of communication. Mvg business still old boys club.
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving I think actually the new folks in our industry use SM more than the old ones.
Maritime_Moving compared to other industries.
HolmanMoving Hard to say. Maybe moving is somewhat more marketing savvy given the major brand names (United, Atlas, etc.) involved?
Maritime_Moving RT @xpressmovers: @HolmanMoving I think actually the new folks in our industry use SM more than the old ones.
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers I agree!
MovePoint Most of our younger/newer clients are starting to use SM
HolmanMoving @HolmanMoving Said few new folks entering the biz ;-)
MovePoint Plus SM isnt easy for the experienced and maybe to daunting of a task
HolmanMoving It is very daunting. RT @MovePoint: Plus SM isnt easy for the experienced and maybe to daunting of a task.
PortageCartage At our company we definitely see a correlation btwn age and SM adoption rates, and there are a lot of boomers set to retire soon.
xpressmovers The biggest problem in our industry is the way funds for marketing are being distributed.
PortageCartage Perhaps a topic for another chat would be: how can we get hip young people to work for movers? Hmm.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage There's an idea!
MovePoint Agree! RT @xpressmovers: The biggest problem in our industry is the way funds for marketing are being distributed.
xpressmovers Let me ask a question for all of you: Do you search your clients for profiles on popular SM websities?
PortageCartage Absolutely RT @xpressmovers: Let me ask a question for all of you: Do you search your clients for profiles on popular SM websites?
HolmanMoving People need to remember though that even if Boomers aren't tweeting, they are Google searching and one impacts the other.
seamlessmoves Because there are so many SM platfortms and sites, it can be time consuming for a small biz.
MovePoint @seamlessmoves true but there are some really good tools to help automate processes
xpressmovers @seamlessmoves You don't need to use all of them, you can start small and work your way up to all major ones.
HolmanMoving @MovePoint @seamlessmoves Yes, but automation is bad if abused. Be careful with that.
Maritime_Moving @HolmanMoving Absolutely!
HolmanMoving You don't need to be on every social media too - select a few that you feel are important to your business.
seamlessmoves @HolmanMoving @movepoint Excellent points.
xpressmovers Good to know I'm not the only one researching some of our clients for more information :)
Q3: How is your company using social media?
PortageCartage We have Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google Places, & etc profiles, and keep them all current and active.
Maritime_Moving A3 We have a facebook page & we use Twitter. I am solely responsible for creating & administering it.
PortageCartage We also use it as a 'listening post' - have email alerts set up and have searches running for key industry phrases.
MovePoint A3: We hired a person to run all of our SM, this person has an extensive backround in SM And a proven track record
MovePoint this was after we spend tons of $$ on so called "experts"
HolmanMoving Ditto. RT @PortageCartage: We have Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google Places- keep them all current and active.
xpressmovers RT @HolmanMoving: @PortageCartage: We have Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google Places- keep them all current and active.
HolmanMoving @MovePoint Having an internal SM is the way to go. It's a tough job going internal, but very helpful when the org needs a voice.
xpressmovers Unfortunately I'm the one managing the FB and Twitter accounts and there is just not enough time in one day to keep up :)
PortageCartage @MovePoint With all that SM has changed in the last 5 yrs, is an extensive SM background a good thing?
HolmanMoving Yes, watch out for snake oil. Rampant in this biz. RT @MovePoint: this was after we spend tons of $$ on so called "experts"
PortageCartage RT @HolmanMoving: Yes, watch out for snake oil. Rampant. RT @MovePoint: this was after we spend tons of $$ on so called "experts"
MovePoint IMO yes, that way old ways are not re-hashed and they have the ability to see things long term and the effects
MovePoint instaed of saying "just got a bunch of friends onFB and twitter" they have the know how to bring a true ROI instead of "valuated"
HolmanMoving I think communications experience is a plus - this is an extension of PR/marketing after all. Soc med continuing ed critical.
PortageCartage How many of you get sideways looks from coworkers when they see you on FB or Twitter?
xpressmovers I allow everyone in the office to use Facebook and Twitter or anything else they want. We live in 21st century.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Don't get me started! :-)
seamlessmoves We have a presence on LinkedIn, our blog and Twitter. Have a FB page, but it's not the most appropriate venue for our biz.
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Don't forget customer service - SM is a great channel for that too.
Maritime_Moving @PortageCartage Bosses know that I use FB & Twitter for work but others think they "caught me" doing something wrong! LOL
MovePoint so so true! RT @PortageCartage: @HolmanMoving Dont forget customer service - SM is a great channel for that too.
HolmanMoving For sure. RT @PortageCartage: @HolmanMoving Dont forget customer service - SM is a great channel for that too.
Q4: How did you develop your social media strategy (if you have one)?
xpressmovers A4: Our strategy is to develop and maintain consistent relationship with potential and existing customers.
HolmanMoving The only way to develop a strategy is to listen first, then decide what works for your business and market.
MovePoint Part of our plan is to help with the industry instead of talking about how great our product is
PortageCartage I reviewed a bunch of SM strategies published online, then built ours from the ground up using the suitable points.
MovePoint and does the plan of action have measurable ROI & Time
PortageCartage @MovePoint That's smart. Gets you past the natural 'sales pitch alert!' barrier.
HolmanMoving Excellent. RT @MovePoint: Part of our plan is to help with the industry instead of talking about how great our product is.
LLamx Agreed! RT @HolmanMoving: strategy = listen first, then decide what works for your business and market.
xpressmovers I can't say what our ROI is, but I know there is one. Just the information you can find thru SM is well worth the money spent.
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers ROI is so tough! Especially when you are first getting started. Always a struggle for me.
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving ROI is something you can't measure on a daily bases.
MovePoint agree it takes 3-6 months min. to formulate RT @xpressmovers: @HolmanMoving ROI is something you cant measure on a daily bases.
Q5: What benefits has social media brought you?
xpressmovers Q5: That's easy, #movechat :)
HolmanMoving Social media has definitely made me learn about this industry at lightning speed.
MovePoint SM has made our company more personable and easier to reach out to
PortageCartage I really like the ability to hear what people are saying about our company and the industry overall.
HolmanMoving We've also found some great programs to participate in, like @moveforhunger, through social media.
MovePoint RT @PortageCartage: I really like the ability to hear what people are saying about our company and the industry overall.
Next week's topic is "How Estimates Are Done." Join us, same time, same hashtag!