This site is a temporary home for our posts while our formal blog on gets up and running.

For now, this will primarily be transcripts of the Twitter chat we moderate under the hashtag #movechat. Follow this link to learn how to do a Twitter chat.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Online Marketing

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  For the most recent chat, the topic was "Online Marketing." Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - Let's start with the basics: What is marketing?

TopMovingTips #Marketing is matching target audience's needs with our goods and services. 
MovePoint A1 the proces(s) by which companies determine what products or services may be of interest to customers
jkmoving A1: My fave analogy: marketing brings the horses to the water; sales makes them drink!
ezmovers So, online marketing as an extension to traditional marketing or substitution? Where do we get the most business from
GoodStuffMoving Q1 - Marketing is bridging the gap between company and customer, informing who you are, what you do, and how both need each other.
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving Nice definition! 
TopMovingTips And it is NOT "shoving" our wares down market's throats. =)
ezmovers @jkmoving exactly :) it's a interconnected loop> marketing - sales - dispatch & movers! 
xpressmovers Marketing is process of determine the best products individual or a company has to offer and delivers them to the market. 
HolmanMoving Marketing is finding a way to relate to current customers and find new ones by providing useful information and quality products.
HolmanMoving Ha! Check out what one of our driver's wives just sent us! So cute! #moving
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Nice! Is he certified for air brakes?
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving Great shot, use it as an avatar :) 
TopMovingTips RT@HolmanMoving Ha! Check out what one of our driver's wives just sent us! ...|| Drives better than me...
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers Going on the Facebook page for sure! They have 4 of the cutest Golden's I've ever seen. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Ill have to ask. He looks damn good in the cab though! And hey, who could get mad at him during a move!? 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Exactly! Never trust a cat with your sofa.
GoodStuffMoving ...never trust a dog with your throw rugs. Sorry, not a huge dog But carry on, carry on... 

Q2 - How is online marketing today different from the moving industry's traditional marketing?

TopMovingTips A2- Online marketing is more of "mass customization." Requires personalized marketing on a broad scale. 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips Great phrase! 
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage I thank you kindly. =) 
GoodStuffMoving Q2 - Online marketing seems to be a lot less broad and more focused, targeting specific groups, areas, businesses, etc... 
jkmoving A2: Online marketing lets you customize messages, target very specific audiences & to track customers thru a purchase funnel.
ezmovers A2- Ppl want more attention because internet gives more freedom to connect, so yes @TopMovingTips it's more personalized! 
GoodStuffMoving Online marketing seeks more of an ongoing contact too...
xpressmovers Traditional marketing limits you on both financially and on creativity level. Example is the pic Paige @HolmanMoving just posted.
jkmoving A2: Online marketing is terrific for direct lead generation b/c it's so trackable & measurable (e.g, SEM/pay-per-click ads). 
HolmanMoving Online marketing is much more focused on engagement, conversations and words. Not traditional, verbose marketing speak. 
PortageCartage I think a key difference is flexibility. Once you buy a YellowPages ad, you're stuck with it for a year.
jkmoving Yep, u can develop a relationship w/your prospect. RT @goodstuffmoving: Online marketing seeks more of an ongoing contact too...
PortageCartage You can also involve a lot more people in online marketing, increasing a sense of ownership in the company, if it's done right. 
jkmoving Yes! RT @portagecartage: I think a key difference is flexibility. Once you buy a YellowPages ad, you're stuck with it for a year. 
ezmovers it's all about Google ranking though, isn't it?! it's a whole science, yet flexible and easily trackable! 
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving You too!
ezmovers @PortageCartage true, much more fun and creative when all departments get involved! 
xpressmovers A combination between traditional marketing and online marketing could deliver great results.
TopMovingTips @ezmovers Well, if we knew the Google algorithm, it would certainly be science. A lot seems like sorcery to me! =)
xpressmovers @TopMovingTips No need to know the algorithm. It changes every few days. Quality content always ranks higher.
  GoodStuffMoving @TopMovingTips @ezmovers Just good combo SEO, SEM, social media, fresh content, etc. It's easy! #lol #lol #lol
PortageCartage @ezmovers Good point. Google walks the talk: they grew due to word of mouth and a good product. I never saw a Google ad on Yahoo. 
jkmoving You def need both. RT @xpressmovers: A combination between traditional marketing and online marketing could deliver great results.
TopMovingTips @xpressmovers, Oh how I *wish* that were true. You should see some of the garbage ranking number one! 
GoodStuffMoving And yet doesn't it hurt when you see Yahoo Answers or some other site from 1999 rank higher? 
TopMovingTips Try producing great content with no backlinks, and then tell me how important quality is. =)
TopMovingTips I have been fortunate, have hit #1 for six of my search terms, and I really wish it was just the quality that worked. 
GoodStuffMoving ...someone left this black top hat sitting here, maybe I should go dancing... 
TopMovingTips @GoodStuffMoving Make sure to post the footage on YouTube!
PortageCartage @GoodStuffMoving LOL - funny you.
xpressmovers @TopMovingTips It doesn't happen overnight. Quality websites always win at the end. Give me example for poor sites that rank high. 
HolmanMoving You need worry about Google, but it's more important to be legit. 
TopMovingTips Be happy to, including completely blank WordPress blogs.
TopMovingTips And no, quality websites do NOT always win in the end, sadly. 
xpressmovers @TopMovingTips They do, of course it requires some work on your end to promote them as well. Speaking from personal experience. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers @TopMovingTips It doesn't happen overnight. Blank sites seem to be winning, but Google will knock em out in time.
ezmovers Google leads the whole search for any type of business! quality backlinks->quality site and quality of work-> that's the magic:) 
TopMovingTips @expressmovers We will have to politely "agree to disagree" on that one. =)
xpressmovers @TopMovingTips Creating and distributing quality content to the web requires time, skills and knowledge about SEO.
jkmoving Agreed. RT @xpressmovers Creating and distributing quality content to the web requires time, skills and knowledge about SEO. 
HolmanMoving Agree. RT @xpressmovers: @TopMovingTips Creating/distributing quality content requires time, skills and knowledge about SEO. 
GoodStuffMoving Agreed. RT @xpressmovers Creating and distributing quality content to the web requires time, skills and knowledge about SEO. 
TopMovingTips @xpressmovers You really want to debate this, don't you? Suggest we take it out of chat. You can email me after. Yikes!!! 
xpressmovers @TopMovingTips I don't mind debates if they lead to a good thing and all involved can learn something new.
HolmanMoving At the end of the day, black hat tactics are going to fail because they are going to piss people off. 
TopMovingTips There will always be an "arms race" between SPAM/ black hat and those who police them. Stay on the side of the angels. =)
HolmanMoving Google is going to get smarter and we'll see Black Hat stuff come down. Other than that, we'll see some good creative talent.
xpressmovers Google and other engines have hard time catching up, but when they do it's nasty. Search for "Google Panda update". 
GoodStuffMoving @xpressmovers don't remind me... 

Q3 - Personal question: what irks you most about online ads?

GoodStuffMoving Q3 - When you lose control of your own hardware, ie, BLARING LOUD VOLUME or something...yet, we're somewhat guilty of it... 
TopMovingTips A3 Irrelevant to my interests, SPAMMY, screaming, flashing, interrupting, pop-ups, web windows that won't close.
MovePoint A3 the ones with gross or inappropriate images 
GoodStuffMoving @MovePoint Firefox or Chrome, AdBlock, even Facebook doesn't have ads! 
HolmanMoving Hate online ads. Google PPC is one thing, annoying pop-ups are quite another.
jkmoving A3: Cheap tactics bug the heck out of me -- banner ads with the goofy dancing people or moving eyeballs to catch your attention. 
HolmanMoving @jkmoving Ohhh I hate that! 
GoodStuffMoving Q3 - Not an ad, but using Internet Exploder...any version... (I'm on Chrome right now)
MovePoint you have won a free ipad!
PortageCartage That's a classic! RT @MovePoint: you have won a free ipad!
TopMovingTips @MovePoint wins A3. =)
xpressmovers A3: Popup ads, speaking ads, music ads and everything that distracts you from the main webpage. 
TopMovingTips Ads that are relevant to my needs and interests, that attract me because of benefits and not "circus techniques" don't bug me. =) 
PortageCartage I saw a site that played music right away; had a 'mute' link so I clicked, but it doubled the volume instead. #grrr 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Ugh. How annoying. 
PortageCartage I'm concerned because my kids are just starting to use computers and don't have the ad-filters I've built up over the years.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Can you buy a virus program that helps?
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving I don't trust software to do my job as a parent. My approach is simply to be present when they're on the computer. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Well, imagine that! A parent who wants to be parent! Much props!
xpressmovers @PortageCartage That's nearly impossible to be present when kids are using a computer.
ezmovers @HolmanMoving @xpressmovers @TopMovingTips agreed! it's a whole new way of promoting, marketing, branding and connecting! 

Q4 - Any predictions on how online marketing will continue to evolve for our industry?

GoodStuffMoving Q4 - I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of moves book entirely online and throw in a few jpgs in lieu of a visit... 
jkmoving Q4: More customization and more ability to reach highly specific/niche audiences. 
GoodStuffMoving Would you be comfortable running and operating a moving company through a laptop w/o physical office, either home or else? 
xpressmovers @GoodStuffMoving I know companies like that!
MovePoint i love OLM but i'm not convinced that online marketing will ever trump a good old fashion refferal from a friend or family member 
jkmoving A4: With the web, we're constantly reminded that consumers hold the power. We must understand THEIR needs & how we can serve them. 
TopMovingTips @MovePoint I'm not sure they're mutually exclusive- a lot referral from friends/family coming over the web now. 
PortageCartage I predict that we'll see the lines blur between sales, service, and Ops, especially as social media adoption accelerates. 
jkmoving @goodstuffmoving No way. We rail against "fly by night" operations (i.e., no physical address? probably not a good idea)
GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving Yeah, but that's current. In 20 years? 
ezmovers @jkmoving customers also abuse this power very well! they know it's all about them!
PortageCartage @ezmovers @jkmoving I think that's a very small fraction of customers. In my experience, most people are honest & reasonable. 
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving You're going to always need brick and mortar, warehouses and trucks. Can't email a shipment!
jkmoving @topmovingtips Agree; people are used to conducting their life online - incl info from a moving co, even if it's a referral.
GoodStuffMoving @HolmanMoving @jkmoving ...very true. 
xpressmovers @jkmoving @GoodStuffMoving Cost of operation rises on a daily bases. Companies want to save on every level, SM gives them that.
TopMovingTips @jkmoving And those daggone people on Twitter!!! Oh, wait a minute... =)
GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving while twittering 
jkmoving @goodstuffmoving I'll be flying in my hovercraft in 20 years ;-D 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving Heaven help us all if somebody ever invents Star Trek's transporter device.
TopMovingTips @jkmoving And where is my flying car? supposed to be here already.... 
GoodStuffMoving @PortageCartage @HolmanMoving @jkmoving Hey, that would help us with shipments and moves! 
GoodStuffMoving @TopMovingTips @jkmoving Personally, I want my lightsaber before my hover car... 
jkmoving Yep, ref online review sites ;-) RT @ezmovers: @jkmoving customers also abuse this power very well! they know it's all about them!
TopMovingTips Lightsaber could really help with some of those troublesome customers... 
GoodStuffMoving GoodStuffMoving Use the forklift, Luke 
PortageCartage PortageCartage Well done! LOL RT @GoodStuffMoving: Use the forklift, Luke.

For next week's chat, we'll discuss Myths About Movers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Turning Customers Away

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and  consumers looking for information on moving.  For the most recent chat, the topic was "Turning Customers Away." Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - How often do you have to turn customers away?

TopMovingTips Q1: I would have to actually *have* some customers first. =) 
MovePoint A. Not very often, But we try to pre-qualify them first
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips Turn the Q around then: how often do customers get turned away by movers? 
TopMovingTips @MovePoint- Very wise. 
RELORoundtable Several of the nation's largest national van lines issued booking restrictions in early May.
KingsTransfer This time of year it happens. We try to accommodate as best we can, but it amazes me how little notice people think they need
jkmoving A1: Only in the heart of "silly season" (summertime) when EVERYONE wants to move. And even then, just the last week of each month. 
GoodStuffMoving Q1 - Good question! Um...not often, but more often in peak months.
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage When trying to book Memorial Day or Labor Day weekends, I am guessing fairly often.
RELORoundtable Since then it seem like the cut-offs have cascades throughout the full service moving industry. 
TopMovingTips What is the longest time anyone has given you for a reservation? 
HAuston @portagecartage: Depends on several factors. 
jkmoving A1: We do all we can to encourage customers to book early and NOT book the last week of the month from June - Aug. 
TopMovingTips Is October or November your slowest month? 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips I don't know that we keep a record book, but we've had some bookings 6 months ahead of time. 
RELORoundtable Do you just 'say no' or do you offer the customer service (and price) alternatives to accommodate their relocation plans? 
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable Hey, quit jumping ahead to future questions! :)
jkmoving This is y some folks have a bad move experience. They wait until the last minute & book whatever (fly-by-nite?) mover they can. 
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage Six months is pretty darned impressive. What would you say is the average? 
jkmoving More like February. RT @topmovingtips: Is October or November your slowest month? 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips Average is closer to 3 weeks. 
TopMovingTips @JKMoving I just offer a website of articles and tips, so I am a lousy one to ask. Big hat, no cattle, so to speak. =)
HAuston @jkmoving: Good point. Hurry up moves can prove challenging. 
RELORoundtable Many of the new closing schedules allowed by banks and mortgage companies don't allow as much time to find a mover. 
PortageCartage RT @HAuston: @jkmoving: Good point. Hurry up moves can prove challenging. 
TopMovingTips Do you refer those you can't service to other providers? If so, how do you pick? 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips Hey, slow down, eager beaver... we'll get to that question too. :) 
KingsTransfer @jkmoving The worst is when uhaul over books and leaves people stranded on the day of and you can't help 
TopMovingTips @KingsTransfer Yikes! That is the pits! =( 
jkmoving Awful! RT @kingstransfer: @jkmoving The worst is when uhaul overbooks and leaves people stranded on the day of and you can't help
GoodStuffMoving @RELORoundtable Do you closely communicate with banks and mortgage companies outside of moves? 
RELORoundtable @GoodStuffMoving No, I have family in the banking and mortgage businesses. 
KingsTransfer @topmovingtips It happens a handful of times every year. :( 
RELORoundtable During the last 30 yrs, the cycle time for movin' has dropped from approximately 60 days on average to just under 20 days. 
RELORoundtable That type of contraction at the front end of the relocation process puts stress on everything else that normally occurs behind it.
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable Exactly. The crew can usually adapt to last-minute jobs, but rushed pre-planning is always risky. 
TopMovingTips @RELORountable 1) Convenient family connections! =) 2) Great stat! What are you using as your source?
RELORoundtable @TopMovingTips Years and years and years of experience ; -)
MovingPiecesLLC I believe it! No time these days! RT @RELORoundtable In the last 30 yrs, the time for movin' has dropped from ~60 days <20 days.
HAuston @RELORoundtable: The cycle time has decreased. Also, many of our local customers are needing overnight storage. 
RELORoundtable @HAuston Is the overnight storage for necessity or convenience? Seems like the mortgage crisis forces many into smaller homes.

Q2...ahem: Do you just 'say no' or do you offer the customer service (and price) alternatives to accommodate their relo plans?

jkmoving A2: We offer a date alternative to start with (sometimes people can be flexible). 
TheMovingCost Read our informative blogs on what you need to "Know Before You Book" « 
KingsTransfer If we absolutely can not accommodate we will recommend other movers who we think will do a good job. 
HAuston @jkmoving Q2, look for other options. quality movers

Q3 - We mentioned a few, but let's make a list: what are some common reasons to decline a potential customer?

TopMovingTips A3- Customers who cancelled the move twice after the truck shows up?
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips The way you phrased that makes it sound like a true story. 
RELORoundtable 1) Late booking 2) Can't accommodate schedule 3) Deeply discounted 4) Unrealistic expectations 5) Customer not ready to move 
KingsTransfer If we decline a move it is almost always because we cannot fit another move into the schedule. 
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage Didn't happen to me, and I have no evidence, so it may be more "urban legend"/ war story than fact. =)
HAuston @portagecartage: Q3 budget, overbooked, not being able to offer quality service on the customers schedule.
jkmoving A3: Customers who keep trying to negotiate the price down (unreasonably so). After all, we're in business to make SOME $$. 
PortageCartage Sometimes personalities don't "fit" between the moving consultant and the customer.
PortageCartage It doesn't happen to us, but I wonder if anybody has turned away jobs that are just too complicated for them to handle well?
TopMovingTips Have you ever had to pull in "temps" to get the work done?
jkmoving A3: Agree; overbooking increases the likelihood for a mistake/problem. That's no good for anyone. We all want to do the best job. 
HAuston @RELORoundtable Sometimes both. the Realtor plays a key role in these situations as well. 
MovingPiecesLLC Hi Everyone! I'm a relocation concierge/move mgr in Northern VA. How often do you do these chats? So helpful! - 
PortageCartage @MovingPiecesLLC We do them every week at this time. Would love to have you join in! Tutorial here:
jkmoving @movingpiecesllc Every Tues, same bat-time, same bat-channel :-) Welcome!
MovePoint @MovingPiecesLLC Every Tues same time 
RELORoundtable Everyone uses 'temps' but it's getting harder with the new employment guidelines and internal van line qualification processes.
jkmoving @topmovingtips We hire seasonal/PT employees like most big moving co.s, but they are fully-trained & background checked 1st.
GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving @topmovingtips That background check and training is a key thing we've noticed as well... 
jkmoving It's vital. RT @goodstuffmoving @topmovingtips That background check and training is a key thing we've noticed as well. 
TopMovingTips Does everybody offer their own training, or is there someplace people can learn outside of your company? 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips All our training is done in house. If we hire temps we always put them with experienced teams. 
MovePoint A. Having a previous history with problematic customer 
movertim @PortageCartage @movertim decline a potential when I see the red flag waving 
movertim Red flag Eg: mouse droppings, bugs, hoarders, smelly , dirty 
jkmoving @topmovingtips Ours is on-site with a FT trainer. Part classroom time, part hands-on in a house we built special for training. 
TopMovingTips RT @JKMoving is on-site with a FT trainer. Part classroom time, part hands-on in a house we built special for training.|| WHOA! 
PortageCartage @jkmoving Cool! Do you have any pics/vids of that training house online? 
jkmoving @portagecartage Why I am so glad you asked ;-) Video, photos and text from our website:

Q4, courtesy of @TopMovingTips: Do you refer those you can't service to other providers? If so, how do you pick?

movertim @PortageCartage @TopMovingTips depending on the need, I will send welfare to a small local company 
GoodStuffMoving Q4 - We tend to network with a couple other small local moving companies, keeps things friendly and still competitive.
HAuston @GoodStuffMoving Q4. How does that work? Traditional movers tend not to talk.
GoodStuffMoving @HAuston a lot of the movers around here, in our network at least, are related, so know one, know all.

Next week's chat topic will be Online Marketing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Generating Positive Customer Feedback Online

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and  consumers looking for information on moving.  For today's chat, the topic was customer reviews & how to generate positive buzz about your company online. Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - How web-savvy is your customer base? Do they mention you online?

GoodStuffMoving Q1 - Our FB gets more notice than our Twitter account, but in general...clients don't appear to be. Or care at least...
ezmovers we have to get the customers while they are hot! send them emails right away, after closing the job!
RELORoundtable I suspect that depends on the type of customer you're talking about.
PortageCartage @movinggal No worries, we'll give you a mention when the transcript is up. RELORoundtable Most individuals initially can't remember the name of the company that handled their move the last time they relocated.
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable For the purpose of this chat, we'll keep it focused on typical residential moves.
HolmanMoving Our customers are not really on our social networks yet, but they are definitely using the search engines to find us.
GoodStuffMoving @RELORoundtable yeah we've noticed that as's like "use service, move on, forget"...
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable We find a lot of times that they remember the name of the van line, but not necessarily the booking agent.
RELORoundtable Account customers trade names inside internal professional communities like Linkedin or trade association intranets but not online
PortageCartage In our experience, most people who hire pro movers are boomers, and there's not a lot of SM power users in that demographic.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Agreed. It seems the main reason to have soc med outposts up and running are for search engines (at the moment).
seamlessmoves @GoodStuffMoving @PortageCartage Respectfully disagree. Most of our clients are boomers and they use computers/social media A LOT.
GoodStuffMoving @seamlessmoves - Wouldn't say they don't use computers and some SM, but not for finding or networking businesses like us.
PortageCartage @seamlessmoves Do you think the high-tech industry in your region has anything to do with that?
seamlessmoves @PortageCartage @seamlessmoves Yes, I think Puget Sound area has more computer-SM-savvy clients.
xpressmovers @PortageCartage @seamlessmoves Hi-tech region helps a lot. I can say that 100% for Boston.
ezmovers social platforms are great tool unfortunately many customers are not really into connecting w/ their moving company!
RELORoundtable The expanded use of url shorteners in SM makes it difficult to cull stats on brand name usage

Q2 - Do you get many reviews on 3rd party sites like @Yelp or @GooglePlaces?

HolmanMoving No. We haven't gotten many at all. RT @PortageCartage: Do you get many reviews on 3rd party sites like @Yelp or @GooglePlaces?
GoodStuffMoving Q2 - Not a whole lot, no...but we're discovering ways of ramping this up, it's just slow going...
PortageCartage I wonder if @FlatRate_Moving can speak to Q2... you out there Itamar?
FlatRate_Moving @PortageCartage I am here right now - what's the topic, or Q?
PortageCartage @FlatRate_Moving Topic is online reviews, generating positive buzz from happy customers, etc. Do you get 3rd party reviews?
FlatRate_Moving Our survey is detailed but not overwhelming - we let people write what they would normally write on a site like Yelp.
HolmanMoving We have gotten reviews on And one on another site. Some days I think it's a good thing, others not so much. :-)
xpressmovers Q2: Sometimes we do get reviews here and there. Most of our customers find us online, but rarely to leave a review on a site.

Q3 - So who has the magic answer? What can a company do to encourage positive online reviews?

RELORoundtable Companies who've incorporated R&R metrics inside their CRM, sales and operational processes do better w/ user generated feedback
PortageCartage @Yelp has blogged about this - - they don't recommend asking for reviews.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Not sure there is an easy answer. We flat out ask for them, for good or for bad.
RELORoundtable @PortageCartage @HolmanMoving That's part of the problem. Companies ONLY want to see positive reviews online.
PortageCartage @Yelp also had an interesting blog post - only 1% of their visitors are there to leave a review.
PortageCartage And customers want 2 C all. RT @RELORoundtable: Thats part of the problem. Companies ONLY want to see positive reviews online.
HolmanMoving @RELORoundtable @PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Sometimes bad reviews lend a platform for self-promotion! Lemonade outta lemons!
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @Yelp Wow, that's interesting!
PortageCartage A follow-up question then: do the online reviews you've received match up with your internal quality survey metrics?
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage We have so few online reviews. I'd say overall our internal quality scores are WAY higher than online consensus.
HolmanMoving On the flip side, there are mediocre movers out there with great online reviews. Of course, only those in industry know better.
RELORoundtable Do you think SE's would use internal company performance metrics in their page rank algorithms if they were open to the public.
HolmanMoving @RELORoundtable That's a good question!
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable Yes, but only if the questions were developed with SEO in mind.
seamlessmoves Our internal survey results match the online reviews.
HolmanMoving I think it's a very interesting concept for SE's to use industry standard scores. Perhaps they would, if there were a standard!
RELORoundtable I will gladly post the internal quality performance scores on any company whose brave enough share their info w the general public
HolmanMoving @RELORoundtable You know our scores and you know we would be happy to! Can't though. Hands are tied.
RELORoundtable Most movers know how measure internal industry quality; most shippers DON'T. As an industry, we're failed to educate them. :(

Q4 - What are the pros & cons for having reviews of your business online?

RELORoundtable Pro: 85% of consumers start their relocation shopping on the web Con: Everyone is searches for 5 stars. 3 is what they find.
GoodStuffMoving Q4 - Reviews due matter to certain segments of our clients. Helps to have a variety of opinions, good and bad.
GoodStuffMoving Is there such a thing as a 5 star anything on the Internet when peer reviewed?
seamlessmoves Q4 - Some co's think that only dissatisfied customers are motivated to leave reviews online. (I've personally done both.)
HolmanMoving @seamlessmoves It's definitely not 50/50 though. More people use review systems to vent than to praise.
PortageCartage @seamlessmoves Does your company do anything to encourage customers to do Yelp reviews? I see you've got 98, + 4.5 stars.
PortageCartage @seamlessmoves Whoa... I stand corrected. That was a Yelp ad for a different co with 98 reviews, visible on your Yelp profile.
PortageCartage @seamlessmoves I think I just found a con. :)
seamlessmoves @PortageCartage Yup, definitely a con of not being a paid @Yelp advertiser is having other companies featured on our page. :(

Q5 - If you post customer testimonials, do you ever quote from negative ones? 

seamlessmoves Q5 - We have "testimonials" on our website from folks who did not hire us saying they wished they had.
RELORoundtable Powerful tool to quote a neg review. Explain how you resolved it with the shipper; then fixed the problem for future shippers.
PortageCartage We frequently post photos or screengrabs of customer comments, and do include less-than-perfect ones.
seamlessmoves Yes! RT @RELORoundtable: Powerful tool to quote a neg review. Explain how you resolved it and fixed the problem for future.
PortageCartage There's something exhilarating about opening up reviews to the public. Risky, but potentially very rewarding.
PortageCartage Consumers are demanding transparency, and are finding it online despite some companies' best efforts to hide.
RELORoundtable The public has more confidence in R&Rs from "people like me" a whole lot more than they trust traditional advertising.
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable Exactly! It's about trust, more than ever. People can't be fooled as easily today (that's a good thing).
HolmanMoving @RELORoundtable So very true! And I think it's a good thing. I don't trust much advertising myself.
RELORoundtable @Portage Cartage @HolmanMoving Too bad the folks in the front office don't recognize it! They like hiding behind their facade.
MovePoint RT @RELORoundtable: The public has more confidence in R&Rs from "people like me" a whole lot more than traditional advertising.

Next week's topic will be "Turning Customers Away" (idea courtesy of @ReloRoundtable)  

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

#Movechat Digest: 8 Things Your Movers Don't Want You to Know

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  For today's chat, the topic was an article in The Street called 8 Things Your Movers Don't Want You To Know. Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Before we put Q1 forward, any other comments on the article in general?

jkmoving @holmanmoving Most of the advice was pretty commonplace, tho I didn't agree with some of it. We'll get into that in a moment! 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Well, I'm sure you saw mine on the article itself. I was annoyed at the title :-)
GoodStuffMoving Overall it was a great article, but the title is clearly shock value and SEO baiting... 
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving It's just unfortunate because it's pushing a stereotype that only perpetuates fear and distrust. Annoying.
PortageCartage I hadn't yet read the comments - this piece definitely touched a lot of raw nerves.
PortageCartage Sad if true: "adjuster said that because most homeowners buy insurance, drivers and packers just don't worry about how they pack"
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage It's got a thread on too.

Q1 - The article started by offering a few pointers on how to save money on your move. What are some other ways?

PortageCartage Specifically, the article mentioned reporting lollygagging to the office, and dis/re-assembling your own furniture.
HolmanMoving Good suggestions. Also, donating canned goods and any used items that you don't need at destination. They just add to weight. 
GoodStuffMoving Transport high end items by yourself, such as jewelry, some tvs, etc...anything that needs to be doubly insured. 
jkmoving A1: You can save $$ by purging/donating unwanted household goods before you move, so there's less to pack & move. 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Good point. I saw somebody ask on Twitter what she could do with her open bags of flour. 
RELORoundtable Best way to pack is to purge! Unfortunately, that's not not a good mantra for movers. 
jkmoving I thought the tip re: dis/re-assembling furniture wasn't a good idea. It's frequently more complicated than you think.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Open bags of flour?! Can't donate that! Bake a cake and give it to the movers! :-) 
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable Thanks for chiming in today! 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving I was thinking give to friends/neighbours. It'd be hard to find a soup kitchen that would accept opened dry goods. 
RELORoundtable Avoid peak periods, move mid-month. Negotiate pricing parameters around different service options and available dates.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Hahah yeah, that's probably wise. You can't donate anything opened. I was just making a funny about the cake :-)
GoodStuffMoving Personally, the last time my family moved, we ended up leaving lots of stuff for the next family. Garage tools, can openers, etc.
PortageCartage @jkmoving It all depends on the ability of the person moving. Some can handle it, some can't. Moral: Know thyself. 
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving I think that's nice. I just moved and the old owners left me a ladder and some gardening tools. It was helpful! 
jkmoving Ha, good one! RT @holmanmoving: @PortageCartage Open bags of flour?! Can't donate that! Bake a cake and give it to the movers! :-) 
GoodStuffMoving @HolmanMoving and when we arrived at our new home, we found a lot of garden tools there as well. But still miss that pizza cutter.
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving Hey, pizza cutters are important!
PortageCartage @GoodStuffMoving You'll have to replace it with this one:
HolmanMoving @jkmoving ;-)
xpressmovers How do you liked that article we are discussing today? How would you rate it?
GoodStuffMoving @PortageCartage oh that's awesome! We used to have a Pampered Chef one, now it's just some promo from a local joint... 
RELORoundtable @jkmoving My neighbors disassembled their own HHG the last time they moved. It was still disassembled when they moved last week.
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers I give it an 7.5 for content, but downgrade to a 3 for title infraction! 
PortageCartage That's a fair mark, IMO. RT @HolmanMoving: @xpressmovers I give it an 7.5 for content, but downgrade to a 3 for title infraction! 
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving It's a catchy title to get more visitors. Old newspaper trick :) Content I'd rate at 5. It doesn't say much details.

PortageCartage The article also talked about what to look for on a quote, e.g. an in-home survey, written quote, and comparing to other quotes.
PortageCartage So for Q2 - What other detail should customers look for on movers' quotes? 
HolmanMoving They should read through the inventory list carefully to make sure that nothing major is missing - that's critical! 
GoodStuffMoving Q2 - Not sure how feasible, but a "route traveled" if the destination is distant?
RELORoundtable Forget discount level. Compare services and type of estimate. Ask for salesperson's estimate accuracy record. 
PortageCartage We always stress that the terms dictating the final cost have to be clear: guaranteed within 10%, firm bid, actual w8 to apply? 
PortageCartage Ooh, the salesperson's estimate accuracy record - that's a good one. 
jkmoving Make sure youre comparing apples-to-apples among your quotes. 
ezmovers How about this? ->"Every company should go and get a look at the move." our sales ppl are great at getting all info by phone! 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers True. I can go on forever bout media tricks-it's aggravating. I've always had a love/hate relationship with press. 
xpressmovers Hi ezmovers :) Welcome to the chat. Q2: Compare the fine print in the estimates and everything you guys mentioned :) 
jkmoving @reloroundtable That's funny! My point exactly re: dis/re-assembly of furniture. Sometimes it pays to have a professional do it. 
ezmovers & one more offensive statement! "Any mover who gives a price quote without seeing what needs to be moved is likely up to no good" 
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving I used to work for one 8 years ago :) 
HolmanMoving Well, I sit firmly in the "must see the move camp," myself. You may be doing good things, but that's a lot of scams start. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers Wow, which one?!
PortageCartage @ezmovers Yep. Sometimes people just live too far away to make an in-home visit possible, though it's always preferable. 
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving On the other side of the world, some 6k miles away. Sometimes In-Home is impossible to be done.
PortageCartage I'm still waiting for a customer to upload a private YouTube video tour of the home for movers to use in lieu of a site visit. 
jkmoving @ezmovers Agreed. We always prefer to send a salesperson to the customer's home, but we *can* provide a good estimate via phone. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers We only take COD moves in our survey area. If we had one farther out, we'd call a United agent to do the survey. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Now, that's an interesting concept. I could get behind that. 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving @xpressmovers We do a lot of corporate relocations for industry up in the northern wilds where there are no agents.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @xpressmovers So I imagine YouTube would be useful! 
xpressmovers @PortageCartage That's great idea having customers to upload private videos of their properties for better job handling. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage I also think that corporate relocations are a different game entirely.
xpressmovers @PortageCartage I want a chunk from the Corporate Biz pie :)

The article also talked about the BBB, trade associations, gov't registration, liability insurance, and online reviews.  So for Q3 - What other qualifications should customers look at when discerning which mover to use?

xpressmovers Q3: Qualifications doesn't matter if you aren't responsible. If Responsibility acts as qualification, then that's N1 on my list.
jkmoving A3: Visiting your mover's facilities/offices. If a locally-based mover, that's a good way to see if they are legit/professional. 
PortageCartage @jkmoving Agreed! I especially like Google Streetview to check out a mover's physical address to make sure it's not an empty lot.
RELORoundtable Here's a chart for inexperienced shoppers 
jkmoving Then there's the ultimate in qualifications: ask your friends, family & coworkers for their experiences with movers.
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable That's a great tool!
RELORoundtable Thanks, it takes the pressure off of price and forces the customer to think about the quality of service they're buying.
xpressmovers @jkmoving Agreed. Ask your friends, co-workers for tips from their moves in the past. 
PortageCartage @xpressmovers @jkmoving The power of aggregated feedback by strangers on Yelp / Google Maps can't be underestimated either. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @xpressmovers @jkmoving Although I think review sites should be taken with a grain of salt. 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving @xpressmovers @jkmoving Yes, but the more reviews there are, the less salt you need. 
RELORoundtable @PortageCartage. Do you think movers really understand the power of social media tools like user-generated feedback sites. 
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable They are starting to, but the demographics of social media users and people who hire movers don't quite match yet. 
ezmovers Again,clients have to ask the right questions and ask for references, we give them happy clients contact info! 
xpressmovers @RELORoundtable @PortageCartage Movers understand them very well, especially the new startup companies. They abuse it of course :)
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @RELORoundtable Search engine work aside, I agree. I think they are going to match soon though. 
jkmoving @portagecartage We have (like most businesses!) a love/hate relationship with Yelp ;-) 
jkmoving Review sites tend 2 attract those with a beef, rather than a compliment. We watch them carefully; the key is to reply to posts. 
PortageCartage Another key to review sites is to encourage all customers to use them after the move. 
RELORoundtable @PortageCartage. Click here and start listening to Chris Brogan at about 27 minutes in. 
xpressmovers Review sites have their good and bad sides. A lot of rogue movers abuse them. 
RELORoundtable @PortageCartage Agreed, but, 'cept for the angry ones, most folks want to forget their moving experience once they're unpacked. 
servicealley The service provider response to a bad review almost more important than the review itself. The worst thing to do is not respond.

Finally, the article recommended taking photos of your goods before the move and making sure the movers protect floors/walls.  So for Q4 - How else can customers ensure their goods and property are protected during their move?

xpressmovers @PortageCartage Taking pictures is a good thing, but they there is a doubt when those pictures were taken.
xpressmovers A4: Get insurance for your move, make sure your valuables are protected. RELORoundtable If a customer can see the exterior of a piece of furniture stacked in the truck, it's probably not properly protected. 
GoodStuffMoving RT @xpressmovers: A4: Get insurance for your move, make sure your valuables are protected. 
jkmoving A4: Buying valuation is simply a must. Like buying insurance for a long-planned, expensive vacation. Customers are leery, tho. 
PortageCartage @xpressmovers The video tour mentioned earlier would be helpful in this case - could capture the date on a newspaper.
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @HolmanMoving @xpressmovers @jkmoving Agreed.  
xpressmovers @PortageCartage Pictures are great only if time stamp could be recorded and confirmed.  
PortageCartage @xpressmovers That'd be nice, yes, but in my experience people are (mostly) honest and can (usually) be trusted.
xpressmovers @PortageCartage Only in 95% of the cases :) There is that 5% where people will be trying to get advantage of you. 
ezmovers Movers taking photos and/or video is a great idea! it can take only a few min to do that and the things can go much smoother!
GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving Yeah, that's been our experience as well... 
PortageCartage Well, it's not often that we're still going strong at the end of the hour, but our time is up. Thanks, everyone ,for a great chat!

Next week's topic: How to get positive chatter online from happy customers (topic suggested by ezmovers).  Here's an interesting study about the impartiality (?) of review sites. (via jkmoving)