This site is a temporary home for our posts while our formal blog on gets up and running.

For now, this will primarily be transcripts of the Twitter chat we moderate under the hashtag #movechat. Follow this link to learn how to do a Twitter chat.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Sales Secrets

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  The topic of today's movechat was Sales Secrets.  Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - What is your company's sales philosophy?
movertim    Be honest, be sincere,
movinggal    My company's philosophy is providing the customer with some calm in the chaos of moving by providing info.
PortageCartage    Can we assume that nobody in this chat uses the lowball-estimate, high-actual-cost scam?
xpressmovers    I don't know Portage, I hope so.
xpressmovers    Lowball-estimate practice is very common. During the slow period, we get lot's of customer feedback, that our estimates are high.
xpressmovers    When we ask the potential customers, what others are giving the numbers are scary.
PortageCartage    We've definitely lost bids to the lowball tactic. Have you?
xpressmovers    Many times. Just this month we lost at least 4 long distance jobs because of low-balling.
movinggal    The unfortunate bit about low balling is the customer doesn't realize they may have been taken until they try to take possession.
movinggal    More has to be done to educate the consumer. I have written a blog post on avoiding potential scams.
PortageCartage    Hmm. What can customers do to protect themselves against this low-balling tactic? The appeal of a lower estimate is strong.
ReddingRelo    I'm in a different part of the biz but lowball offers are scary. Ask, "What part of the service don't you want?"
PortageCartage    We appreciate all perspectives here. And that's a great question to ask. You get what you pay for!  
xpressmovers    Regardless of what we write, say, people always fall for the low cost as they want to save money on their move.
ReloMary    information is golden - lowball pricing should simply set off radar every time
movinggal    Maybe providing them a list or questionnaire that lists the services with your est. so they can compare to other co.
MovePoint    I agree with @movinggal a detailed list is good. 
MovePoint    Let your them know what they should expect from a lowball offer Demonstrate how you & your staff r certified, licensed pros.
Q2 - Are there any sales training courses in which you enroll your sales force?
PortageCartage    For ourselves, we use material from David Sandler and @gitomer.
PortageCartage    We also send our sales staff to an annual learning conference hosted by our van line head office.
PortageCartage    Let's change Q2 a bit: What books would you recommend in order to be a more effective salesperson? Ask around in your office.
PortageCartage    For books, The Power of Positive Thinking comes to mind, as does How To Win Friends and Influence People.
ReddingRelo    Napoleon Hill's Keys to Success - The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement
xpressmovers    I personally listen to motivational speakers and read different books on the subject. Thinking positive is a key to success.
MovePoint    Raving Fans, Spencer Johnson, M.D.
Let's see if Q3 shakes things up: Do your salespeople have relationships (i.e. golf) with their direct competitors? ...and if so, is there anything wrong with that?
movinggal    It doesn't apply to me yet but I am a firm believer of keeping folks close even competitors. It helps you both in the long run.
MovePoint    I think if the relationship can perhaps can build a amicable working relationship it is not a bad idea.
PortageCartage    What are the benefits of this type of business relationship?
movinggal    I don't think those relationships are wrong as long as they are managed properly and you have confidence in ur sales staff.
MovePoint    It can be a great referral source. Plus maybe you can give job away that you cannot or don't want to do. :)
xpressmovers    There is nothing wrong of being a friend with the competition. Always something good can come up from that.
Our final question: Q4 - What role does technology (incl. social media) play in your sales methods?
movinggal    SM is key to getting your co noticed and offer customers info ahead of time when they r doing research online.
MovePoint    Done right SM can be leveraged amazingly ppl will most likely use a co that's been referred to them or have had interactions with
movinggal    Bldg a social network also helps give the customer confidence in your products and services.
PortageCartage    Like in Trust Agents!
PortageCartage    Our sales staff use tablet PCs to do an in-home inventory & proprietary software to prepare an estimate. =legible
ReloMary    Testimonials on LI are valuable regarding online SM - it's good for clients to realize you're IN BUSINESS! :-)
xpressmovers    Technology/Internet is changing the way people shop for services. The better you adapt to the new way, the better they will become
xpressmovers    Portage what software solution do you use?
PortageCartage    It's one that @mayflowercanada, our van line, built in-house and provides gratis. A little buggy but overall OK.
PortageCartage    I think that wraps it up for today, but feel free to keep chatting.
PortageCartage    Spread the word among the movers you know for next week: topic will be 'Third Party Services.'

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