This site is a temporary home for our posts while our formal blog on gets up and running.

For now, this will primarily be transcripts of the Twitter chat we moderate under the hashtag #movechat. Follow this link to learn how to do a Twitter chat.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Using Social Media

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  For today's chat, the topic was 'Using Social Media.'  Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1: Define social media.

xpressmovers A1: Social media is the hi-tech way of interaction between people, groups and businesses I'd say. 
HolmanMoving Can't take credit for this, but it's a perfect definition. Social media is word of mouth at the speed of light. 
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving: Good one! 
seamlessmoves A1: Social media is made up of communities of people who have like interests and skills 
Maritime_Moving Internet based social interaction used for personal and business purposes. 
PortageCartage You can also define social media by talking about what it's NOT. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers Thanks! Came up in the Relocation and Social Media LinkedIn group that I manage. 
HolmanMoving It's NOT a free advertising forum or sneaky way to spam people. 
xpressmovers It could mean everything for the people that use it and nothing to the ones that not or abuse it. 
HolmanMoving RT @xpressmovers: Soc med can mean everything for the people that use it and nothing to the ones that abuse it. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers And the abuse is terrible. Nothing irritates me more than sales speak - try a genuine conversation! 
xpressmovers @Holman Agreed! I see a lot of links lately on tweets that lead to spyware/spam websties. 

Q2: In May 2010, showed the moving biz is ranked 48th of 50 top SM industries. Why are we so low?  The report also said that we're the only blue-collar industry to make the top 50. Thoughts?

HolmanMoving Lack of internal knowledge and understanding combined with shrinking budgets and few new folks entering the biz. 
Maritime_Moving No offense to anyone but SM is more of a younger generation form of communication. Mvg business still old boys club.
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving I think actually the new folks in our industry use SM more than the old ones. 
Maritime_Moving compared to other industries.
HolmanMoving Hard to say. Maybe moving is somewhat more marketing savvy given the major brand names (United, Atlas, etc.) involved? 
Maritime_Moving RT @xpressmovers: @HolmanMoving I think actually the new folks in our industry use SM more than the old ones. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers I agree! 
MovePoint Most of our younger/newer clients are starting to use SM 
HolmanMoving @HolmanMoving Said few new folks entering the biz ;-) 
MovePoint Plus SM isnt easy for the experienced and maybe to daunting of a task 
HolmanMoving It is very daunting. RT @MovePoint: Plus SM isnt easy for the experienced and maybe to daunting of a task. 
PortageCartage At our company we definitely see a correlation btwn age and SM adoption rates, and there are a lot of boomers set to retire soon. 
xpressmovers The biggest problem in our industry is the way funds for marketing are being distributed. 
PortageCartage Perhaps a topic for another chat would be: how can we get hip young people to work for movers? Hmm. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage There's an idea! 
MovePoint Agree! RT @xpressmovers: The biggest problem in our industry is the way funds for marketing are being distributed. 
xpressmovers Let me ask a question for all of you: Do you search your clients for profiles on popular SM websities? 
PortageCartage Absolutely RT @xpressmovers: Let me ask a question for all of you: Do you search your clients for profiles on popular SM websites? 
HolmanMoving People need to remember though that even if Boomers aren't tweeting, they are Google searching and one impacts the other. 
seamlessmoves Because there are so many SM platfortms and sites, it can be time consuming for a small biz. 
MovePoint @seamlessmoves true but there are some really good tools to help automate processes 
xpressmovers @seamlessmoves You don't need to use all of them, you can start small and work your way up to all major ones. 
HolmanMoving @MovePoint @seamlessmoves Yes, but automation is bad if abused. Be careful with that. 
Maritime_Moving @HolmanMoving Absolutely!

HolmanMoving You don't need to be on every social media too - select a few that you feel are important to your business. 
seamlessmoves @HolmanMoving @movepoint Excellent points.
xpressmovers Good to know I'm not the only one researching some of our clients for more information :) 

Q3: How is your company using social media?

PortageCartage We have Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google Places, & etc profiles, and keep them all current and active. 
Maritime_Moving A3 We have a facebook page & we use Twitter. I am solely responsible for creating & administering it.
PortageCartage We also use it as a 'listening post' - have email alerts set up and have searches running for key industry phrases. 
MovePoint A3: We hired a person to run all of our SM, this person has an extensive backround in SM And a proven track record 
MovePoint this was after we spend tons of $$ on so called "experts" 
HolmanMoving Ditto. RT @PortageCartage: We have Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google Places- keep them all current and active. 
xpressmovers RT @HolmanMoving: @PortageCartage: We have Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google Places- keep them all current and active. 
HolmanMoving @MovePoint Having an internal SM is the way to go. It's a tough job going internal, but very helpful when the org needs a voice.
xpressmovers Unfortunately I'm the one managing the FB and Twitter accounts and there is just not enough time in one day to keep up :) 
PortageCartage @MovePoint With all that SM has changed in the last 5 yrs, is an extensive SM background a good thing? 
HolmanMoving Yes, watch out for snake oil. Rampant in this biz. RT @MovePoint: this was after we spend tons of $$ on so called "experts" 
PortageCartage RT @HolmanMoving: Yes, watch out for snake oil. Rampant. RT @MovePoint: this was after we spend tons of $$ on so called "experts" 
MovePoint IMO yes, that way old ways are not re-hashed and they have the ability to see things long term and the effects
MovePoint instaed of saying "just got a bunch of friends onFB and twitter" they have the know how to bring a true ROI instead of "valuated" 
HolmanMoving I think communications experience is a plus - this is an extension of PR/marketing after all. Soc med continuing ed critical. 
PortageCartage How many of you get sideways looks from coworkers when they see you on FB or Twitter? 
xpressmovers I allow everyone in the office to use Facebook and Twitter or anything else they want. We live in 21st century. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Don't get me started! :-) 
seamlessmoves We have a presence on LinkedIn, our blog and Twitter. Have a FB page, but it's not the most appropriate venue for our biz. 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Don't forget customer service - SM is a great channel for that too. 
Maritime_Moving @PortageCartage Bosses know that I use FB & Twitter for work but others think they "caught me" doing something wrong! LOL
MovePoint so so true! RT @PortageCartage: @HolmanMoving Dont forget customer service - SM is a great channel for that too. 
HolmanMoving For sure. RT @PortageCartage: @HolmanMoving Dont forget customer service - SM is a great channel for that too. 

Q4: How did you develop your social media strategy (if you have one)?

xpressmovers A4: Our strategy is to develop and maintain consistent relationship with potential and existing customers. 
HolmanMoving The only way to develop a strategy is to listen first, then decide what works for your business and market. 
MovePoint Part of our plan is to help with the industry instead of talking about how great our product is 
PortageCartage I reviewed a bunch of SM strategies published online, then built ours from the ground up using the suitable points. 
MovePoint and does the plan of action have measurable ROI & Time 
PortageCartage @MovePoint That's smart. Gets you past the natural 'sales pitch alert!' barrier.
HolmanMoving Excellent. RT @MovePoint: Part of our plan is to help with the industry instead of talking about how great our product is. 
LLamx Agreed! RT @HolmanMoving: strategy = listen first, then decide what works for your business and market. 
xpressmovers I can't say what our ROI is, but I know there is one. Just the information you can find thru SM is well worth the money spent. 
HolmanMoving @xpressmovers ROI is so tough! Especially when you are first getting started. Always a struggle for me.
xpressmovers @HolmanMoving ROI is something you can't measure on a daily bases. 

MovePoint agree it takes 3-6 months min. to formulate RT @xpressmovers: @HolmanMoving ROI is something you cant measure on a daily bases. 

Q5: What benefits has social media brought you?

xpressmovers Q5: That's easy, #movechat :)
HolmanMoving Social media has definitely made me learn about this industry at lightning speed. 
MovePoint SM has made our company more personable and easier to reach out to 
PortageCartage I really like the ability to hear what people are saying about our company and the industry overall. 
HolmanMoving We've also found some great programs to participate in, like @moveforhunger, through social media. 
MovePoint RT @PortageCartage: I really like the ability to hear what people are saying about our company and the industry overall. 

Next week's topic is "How Estimates Are Done."  Join us, same time, same hashtag!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

#Movechat Digest: After The Move

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  For today's chat, the topic was 'After The Move.'  Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - Once the truck pulls away, what work still needs to be done to ensure the move ends well?

movinggal I think from the customer's perspective, good follow up is greatly appreciated.
xpressmovers Plentry of work needs to be done after load is on the truck. Weight, schedule delivery, follow up with the customer and etc.
movinggal Q1 Making sure that any damage claims are addressed in a timely matter also helps with the closeout for the customer.
PortageCartage One of the most common needs is to pick up used packing paper & boxes a few days later.
xpressmovers Oh, I'm sorry I got the question wrong :)
PortageCartage @xpressmovers That's a good point though. The truck DOES leave twice. :)
MovePoint If some of the move is going to storage , that needs to be coordinated
movinggal Important for moving co to understand that cust may be so inundated w/ the tasks ahead that you may need to help w/ follow up.
xpressmovers A1: Follow up few days after the move is done to make sure all tasks are completed by the crew. Customers love to feel special.
PortageCartage @movinggal Great point!

Q2 - What are some common problems a customer might encounter after a move?

Maritime_Moving May find damage and assume its move related although it might not be.
movinggal Q2 Some common problems are damaged items, storing paper & boxes for pick up. Getting the unpacking completed.
PortageCartage There can be disputes on the final cost of the move, if it involved more work than estimated.
movinggal RT @PortageCartage: There can be disputes on the final cost of the move, if it involved more work than estimated.
movinggal Q2 Lost items can be a challenge for both the customer & mover. It is hard to settle on an item when it is not available.
PortageCartage It's not unheard of to have complaints about crew behaviour, especially if it was a hard day.

Q3 - If these problems can be anticipated, what are some ways to prevent or minimize them?

xpressmovers Q3: Answer is communication. Without it you're lost and troubles are to be expected at every level.
MovePoint good communication
PortageCartage RT @xpressmovers: Q3: Answer is communication. Without it you're lost and troubles are to be expected at every level.
xpressmovers Every moving company must be prepared for the worst at all times.
PortageCartage As a customer, protect yourself from unexpected costs by understanding the terms of the estimate. Ask lots of questions b4 u buy!
PortageCartage The same goes for your claims coverage. Make sure you know what you're paying for.
PortageCartage If you have a big move, you'll have a lot of boxes - find out if your city recycling pickup allows for that many.
xpressmovers That's all ideal scenarios. Customers always fall for the cheap choices and always try to get the best out of everything for free.
xpressmovers @PortageCartage I love the way United offers coverage options to their customers in the online estimating tool.
Maritime_Moving RT @xpressmovers: Q3: Answer is communication. Without it youre lost and troubles are to be expected at every level.

Q4 - Why should a mover be proactive with its post-move follow up?

Maritime_Moving A4 Again...communication! If you're proactive, you can nip a problem in the bud before it becomes a disaster.
PortageCartage If we can jump on a problem when it's fresh, it's much easier to resolve.
xpressmovers RT @PortageCartage: If we can jump on a problem when its fresh, its much easier to resolve.
PortageCartage We also earn a lot of customer loyalty if they know they don't have to hunt us down to get something resolved.
Maritime_Moving RT @PortageCartage: We also earn a lot of customer loyalty if they know they don't have to hunt us down to get something resolved.
MovePoint RT @PortageCartage: If we can jump on a problem when its fresh, its much easier to resolve.
PortageCartage That's all we've got lined up for questions today. Any other thoughts or questions?
xpressmovers Constant communication with your customers leads to easier resolution to problems.

Next week's topic will be 'Using Social Media.'  We'll define social media, then ask why the moving industry is so far behind others in adopting social media, how they themselves are using it, how they developed a social media strategy (if they did), and what benefits they've seen since they implemented it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Undercover Boss

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  For today's chat, we discussed the CBS show Undercover Boss, which on March 13 featured United Van Lines CEO Rich McClure.  You can watch the episode on the CBS website here, or if you're in Canada on CTV here.  Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - Rich saw right away that moving is harder than it looks. In what ways is this so?

MovePoint It was certainly physically demanding 
PortageCartage I read a follow-up interview where Rich talked about how the crew needs to empathize with how stressful a move is for people. 
PortageCartage @MovePoint Definitely! Thank goodness there was no piano on that job. :) 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage So true - it's important for movers to be understanding about the customers stress. Communication is key. 
HolmanMoving That's what one of our driver's said! RT @PortageCartage: @MovePoint Definitely! Thank goodness there was no piano on that job. :) 
StephenPeeler I think Rich realized the significance of hiring the right people in the right jobs. Hire for attitude, the rest can be taught. 
PortageCartage @StephenPeeler Great point. A lot of companies would do well to follow that principle. 
StephenPeeler He also saw the value of youthful legs and a strong back, he unfortunately had neither. 
PortageCartage What about the skill needed to handle claims? That's a tough job too. 
XpressMovers Claims are hard to handle, patience and understanding is key. 
HolmanMoving Ha! RT @StephenPeeler: He also saw the value of youthful legs and a strong back, he unfortunately had neither. 
movinggal Those that handle claims do need to have a friendly disposition and are good at customer service. 
HolmanMoving Claims is so challenging. I'm blown away by our claims person everyday. Don't know how she does it with such good humor. 
StephenPeeler Yes, the best claims person in the company could have been "Private I" she really had patience and left no stone unturned 
seamlessmoves It's all about the right people in the right jobs. Ask @Zappos. 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving @movinggal Oh, I know. In addition to running the social media stuff, I handle the claims here. 
MovePoint I'm amazed at some of the claims I've seen, the Claims managers must be saints 

Q2 - What were your favorite moments in the show? 

PortageCartage I loved the moment in the episode when the packer Ruth told Rich talk less. :) #walkietalkie 
PortageCartage Also enjoyed seeing the warehouse guy, Andrew, get uncomfortable. Anybody else have fave moments? 
MovePoint @PortageCartage IMO i thought he was rather cocky when he was in Rich's office 
PortageCartage @MovePoint Oh, absolutely he was. But he's being 'retrained' and unlike all the other employees, got no cash. Fun to watch. :) 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @MovePoint The Andrew segment was pretty bad...I felt bad for the company, and for Andrew. 
MovePoint I wonder how many segments we didn't get to see 
RELORoundtable Episode showed movers aren't crooks. Everyone on the show demonstrated the professionalism that the industry prides itself on. 

seamlessmoves RT @RELORoundtable: Everyone on the show demonstrated the professionalism that the industry prides itself on.  <--Agreed!
HolmanMoving Absolutely. Made us proud. RT @MovePoint: They did show all of the packers and movers in a very positive light 

Q3 - What moments were a little more difficult to watch?

PortageCartage I didn't like seeing the poor attitude displayed by Andrew in the warehouse segment. 
MovePoint it was kind of painful to see Rich struggle so much with the heavy stuff 
PortageCartage I also wondered if they actually decline every single claim they get, or if that was just an impression made by the editing. 
StephenPeeler I agree! @portagecartage: I didn't like seeing the poor attitude displayed by Andrew in the warehouse segment. 
HolmanMoving I agree with @reloroundtable-for the most part, it was good. Wanted to see more interaction with customers, safety addressed. 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Good point on the safety. Nobody told Rich to lift with his legs. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage And no one explained background checks, safety records, etc. 
AMSAProMover Could have been edited...@portagecartage: @HolmanMoving Good point on the safety. Nobody told Rich to lift with his legs. 
GoodStuffMoving Crucial point. RT @HolmanMoving: @PortageCartage And no one explained background checks, safety records, etc. 
RELORoundtable Interested in seeing the # of viewers and their honest reactions. AMSA should use the feedback to change their consumer TV offers. 
MovePoint They did show all of the packers and movers in a very positive light 
PortageCartage The show wasn't intended as an ad for UVL. The producers approached THEM. 
PortageCartage @RELORoundtable The comment thread on UVL's Facebook page was very interesting. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage @RELORoundtable People are fired up, for sure. 

Q4 - How typical were the employees we saw portrayed in the episode?

RELORoundtable Wonder what most drivers thought when the OTR van operator complained about being gone for two weeks at a time? 
RELORoundtable Many long distance drivers are out generally out six week or more - longer during the peak moving season. 
KingsTransfer @PortageCartage Hard to say. They did say they were showing some of the elite workers a couple of times. Seemed accurate though. 
StephenPeeler Good question, oviously best of breed! Q4 - How typical were the employees we saw portrayed in the episode?  @portagecartage
HolmanMoving @KingsTransfer @PortageCartage I think pretty typical and best in class, Andrew aside. Linda, Jimmy, Ronald and Ruth we fab! 
PortageCartage In my experience, it was pretty accurate. There R lots of superstars in this biz, & a handful of punks with no other job options. 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Good point. 
HolmanMoving What does everyone think of women in the business? That was pretty big over here. 
GoodStuffMoving We support them, but it's not the normal image. Unexpected. RT @HolmanMoving: What does everyone think of women in the business? 
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving I know our Mayflower Canada head office has lots of prominent women. It is a male dominant industry though. 
HolmanMoving @GoodStuffMoving Unexpected that it was addressed as a problem, or unexpected that women are in the biz? 
GoodStuffMoving @HolmanMoving So many think of "two guys and a truck". Unexpected that women are in the biz. 
KingsTransfer Sadly.. Regardless of where you work, there will be some Andrews. 
HolmanMoving @ST_U2 Very true. Although, we have a female driver and she kicks some serious butt out there ;-) 
HolmanMoving @PortageCartage Yes, it is. Glad to hear your office has prominent women. Ours too. 
RELORoundtable @HolmanMoving. It's not the women who have the issue. It's the business owners and driver recruiters who look the other way. 
HolmanMoving RT @RELORoundtable: Its not the women who have the issue. Its the business owners, driver recruiters who look the other way. 
MovePoint I think women can/should play pivotal roles in business 
HolmanMoving @RELORoundtable So right. It really needs to be addressed at the agency level. 
HolmanMoving Most definitely. We really believe that over here. RT @MovePoint: I think women can/should play pivotal roles in business 
RELORoundtable Shipper's (both male and female) love when a lady walks through the door to handle their family's move. They immediately relax. 
HolmanMoving @RELORoundtable I can see that. I'd like to get our female driver's opinion on that. Would be cool. 
seamlessmoves RT @HolmanMoving: What does everyone think of women in the business?  <--Non-issue here. Lots of women in moving on west coast.

PortageCartage Well, that's the hour. Great thoughts everybody; thanks for participating! 

Next week the chat topic will be 'After The Move.'

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Moving Day

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  The topic of today's movechat was Moving Day.  Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - How can a crew reduce a customer's stress on the day of the move?

xpressmovers Q1: The moving crew is the one that represents the company during the move, so YES it's their priority to reduce the stress 
PortageCartage Our crews are great at joking around with the customer, while remaining professional. Humour always helps. 
HolmanMoving I think its comes down to communication on timing and a great crew that can explain the process and engage with the customer. 
MovePoint Going above and beyond what is expected will help alleviate stress for the customer
HolmanMoving It's also important to ask about fragile items, protect the floors to show the customer that you care about their things. 
PortageCartage Agreed - make sure they understand what the day will look like, especially if it's the first time using a mover. 
xpressmovers It is important that the everyone on the team shows effort in what they do no matter what the circumstances are. 
PortageCartage We had one elderly customer who commented on the crew: "I enjoyed watching their youthful exuberance." Having fun matters!
HolmanMoving I think the move coordinator should discuss tipping prior to moving day. That's stressful for a lot of people (myself included). 
PortageCartage Good point on tipping. It's a rarely used service, so the protocols aren't as well known. 
HolmanMoving Agreed. It causes people a lot of angst. We get a lot of questions about it. 

Q2 - What can customers do to make sure everything goes well on the day itself?

RELORoundtable Ask the customer what their expectations are at the start of the move and then fulfill them. Walk the talk! 
xpressmovers Q2: Customers should be cooperative during the move and let the moving crew do their job to avoid stressful situations 
RELORoundtable Customer should meet w/crew chief privately at start to ask questions, express concerns, outline personal objectives for move. 
HolmanMoving To that end, its important that the crew chief formally introduce the WHOLE crew to the customer. 
movinggal Q2. Packing the things you are taking with you ahead of time really helps because u are not in the way of the crew. 
PortageCartage Clear the snow off any outdoor items ahead of time. 
HolmanMoving They should be organized and pack a box of necessities that they keep on hand, removed from boxes going on truck.Label everything. 
PortageCartage During the summer months, our crews always appreciate lots of water or lemonade handy. No beers please! :) 
RELORoundtable I always suggest the driver explain what the processes are in loading and unloading. 
RELORoundtable That helps direct an inexperienced or anxious customer's expectations and give both parties the opportunity to discuss problems. 
HolmanMoving Pizza is a nice touch too for customers who feel extra generous. 
RELORoundtable During the summer, most crews are grateful just for a cold drink and minute to catch their breath without being criticized. 
movinggal Q2 We always get our crew food on the 1st day. It is a win win because they eat quickly & are always grateful  
movinggal Q2 Crating a pet or having him or her in a back yard helps prevent them from escaping when the crew is working. 
HolmanMoving So true. It's also for the pets protection. They can get hurt running under foot. 
Maritime_Moving Same with kids....not to crate them of course, but to have someone else look after them for the day.
movinggal So true. We have done both had someone watch them and had them around. Having them around is a challenge. 
PortageCartage LOL! If you don't crate the kids, at least put them on leashes. 
HolmanMoving Awww man, not the kids leashes. That's terrible. 
RELORoundtable "That's terrible." This from someone with NO kids ;-) 
HolmanMoving Guilty as charged. No kids. But I'm considering a dog. That's a big step for me! 
LocateLance Leashes are better for dogs - you'll do fine.
HolmanMoving Hehehe. Here's hopin' 
RELORoundtable I used to take a spare wardrobe box and make a 'fort' for the kids to play in. Acted just like a crate for the toddlers. 
RELORoundtable Covered the wardrobe with pads at both ends and they'd play hide-n-seek as we worked throughout the house. 
PortageCartage That's brilliant! 
HolmanMoving I used to love playing in the boxes...and the bubble wrap. Drove my grandfather crazy! Ha! 
movinggal That is a great idea! We have had the kids play with boxes and they loved it- anything to keep them occupied. 
HolmanMoving Great idea.

Q3 - What should a customer expect in terms of protection of the floors and household items?

movinggal Q3 The customer has to discuss this ahead of time with the mover. Have them lay boxes on hard woods to protect the surface. 
QMMAllied A3: Cust should expect blankets, floor runners, bannister protection to name a couple items of protection. 
HolmanMoving We are very thorough. We cover the entire floor with cardboard and moving pads (taped down of course). 
PortageCartage Do you use floor runners, or is that a Canadian invention? 
HolmanMoving Depends. When I moved they used cardboard and pads. Wrapped all banisters in pads too. 
movinggal Q3 I have also had movers put plastic wrap on the carpet which also helps protect it. 
RELORoundtable That's something that should be discussed between driver and shipper when crew is unloading equipment at start of move. 
movinggal Q3 There are just some things that will happen like scraped walls from tight corners. Magic Eraser works really well on those. 
RELORoundtable Some shippers are reluctant to have tape applied to any surface because of previous bad experiences. 
HolmanMoving Tape from box to box, blue tape on wood with permission, of course. 
LocateLance Q3-enough to not nick, ding, scratch, cut, gouge, chip, dent, and otherwise damage the home and property 
PortageCartage We wrap wood furniture in thick pads and secure the pads with tape. A bit more awkward to carry, but much easier on the walls. 
HolmanMoving Same.
RELORoundtable Sometimes sweaty hands and stretch wrap don't mix. Depends on the piece of furniture, and crew experience. 
movinggal True. Experienced crew makes a world of difference. 
Maritime_Moving A3: Floor runners at a minimum should be standard on every move.
xpressmovers We don't use tape of any kind directly to furniture or appliances. It damages no matter what tape you use. Pads before tape always 
MovePoint Agree
HolmanMoving xpressmovers Absolutely, no tape on furniture ever. 
movinggal Q3 Making sure your 3rd party contractors show up to crate and disconnect is also so important. 
RELORoundtable LocateLance, you've really done a excellent job developing the topics at your blog. Very customer friendly! 
LocateLance RELORoundtable wow! Thank you. Hope I'm able to keep up the stamina
KingsTransfer What about the old tape to tape, sticky side out trick? 
xpressmovers KingsTransfer Nope. It's something we avoid at all cost. Long term storage moves show exactly what I'm talking about. 
PCHousing Q3 Make sure to hire moving contractors that you can TRUST. Referrals frm friends, online reviews can help in making the rt choice 

And lastly, Q4 - If something is broken or damaged on moving day, what should the customer do?

Maritime_Moving A4 Contact their booking agent or salesperson immediately. 
PCHousing Q4 Document all that you can. Cell phone cameras make this so easy. Don't let emotions get the best of you. Communicate calmly 
xpressmovers We hope nothing gets damaged :) In case it does, customer is presented with Claim form from the foreman. 
HolmanMoving Take a deep breathe. Assess the damage and call the move coordinator to determine next steps for claims. Pictures help. 
PortageCartage Don't panic. Document the damage on the paperwork. Talk to your salesperson or ask for the co's claims dept. 
movinggal Q4 Take photos and document the damage in order to make a claim. 
PortageCartage Reputable movers will want to make sure any problems are corrected, as our reputations are on the line. 
KingsTransfer If you with a reputable company, there should be no issue. A photo and and email will probably do. AVL has online forms
PortageCartage That pretty much wraps it up for this hour folks. Thanks for the great turnout! See you next week to discuss 'After The Move.'