This site is a temporary home for our posts while our formal blog on gets up and running.

For now, this will primarily be transcripts of the Twitter chat we moderate under the hashtag #movechat. Follow this link to learn how to do a Twitter chat.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Admin vs Sales vs Ops

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  The topic of today's movechat was Admin vs Sales vs Ops.  Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - For a mover, what specific internal problems can happen between when a move is booked and when it happens?

HolmanMoving Summertime or the rest of the year ;-)
PortageCartage @HolmanMoving Heh - it's all fair game.
HolmanMoving I think the most common thing would be a change in truck availability, although we've weathered that pretty well here.
BekinsVanLines Miscommunication or lack of communication between people involved and w/customer
PortageCartage Our dispatch and sales offices are in different locations. Getting info to the right person on time can be tough.
HolmanMoving Ops and customer service sit next to each other here, which helps us mitigate micommunications.
PortageCartage That's smart. @HolmanMoving: Ops and customer service sit next to each other here, which helps us mitigate micommunications.
movertim How about if the sales dept passes a file to ops and someone forgets to put the info in the log book
movertim In my office sales and customer service are close by
HolmanMoving @movertim Then I guess that person would be in a little bit a trouble no?
PortageCartage Is it better to have Sales & Ops in the same facility, or does it sometimes makes sense to keep them apart?
movertim @PortageCartage ops need to be segregated from regular population
movertim Worked in a company where ops and sales were close, not a good mix
PortageCartage @movertim What problems did the closeness cause?
HolmanMoving I would assume some conflict :-) RT @movertim: Worked in a company where ops and sales were close, not a good mix
movertim @HolmanMoving @movertim noise and conflict at a high,
HolmanMoving @movertim I can imagine. They are two very VERY different jobs that require two very different skills sets and personalities.
movertim @HolmanMoving @movertim I roger that

Q2 - How can these internal issues affect customers?

movertim @PortageCartage Internal issues can cuase shortfalls in customer svc
HolmanMoving RT @movertim: @PortageCartage Internal issues can cause shortfalls in customer svc
BekinsVanLines If staff members don't understand importance of follow through , a ball gets dropped and the customer 's experience is affected.
PortageCartage A big source of issues between depts is bad communication. If crew doesn't know there's a piano, that could be a big problem.
movinggal Lack of coordination and reliable third party contractors can really affect customer service.
HolmanMoving Good point. RT @movinggal: Lack of coordination and reliable third party contractors can really affect customer service.
movertim it would almost seem that no matter what it always ends up as a customer service issue
MovePoint Agree RT @movinggal: Lack of coordination and reliable third party contractors can really affect customer service.
PortageCartage Gotta learn from them too. RT @movertim: it would almost seem that no matter what it always ends up as a customer service issue
movertim @BekinsVanLines then there is the follow up, post move
PortageCartage @BekinsVanLines That's what the amateurs do. We're all pros here and I hope we all know better.
BekinsVanLines I agree but sometimes things don't get communicated

Q3 - How do you streamline communication between your departments?

movertim @BekinsVanLines In a perfect world all goes to plan, but in our world thigs do happen
movertim @PortageCartage cut out paper, Go Green use e-mail
HolmanMoving Amen to that! Moving is tough biz. RT @movertim @BekinsVanLines In perfect world all goes to plan, but in our world things happen
PortageCartage Our work orders are transmitted electronically between Sales & Dispatch, and each w/o has a dedicated notepad for recording info.

Q4 - What can our customers do to ensure they are protected from these possible problems?

movertim @PortageCartage Pick the right company for the job
movinggal Customers can get a reliable contact that they can follow up with. Often times the squeaky wheel gets greased.
PortageCartage We call the day b4 the move, but if the customer hasn't heard from anybody by then, it's wise to phone/email for confirmation.

Next week's topic will be Packing Services.  Tune in if you want to know more!

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