This site is a temporary home for our posts while our formal blog on gets up and running.

For now, this will primarily be transcripts of the Twitter chat we moderate under the hashtag #movechat. Follow this link to learn how to do a Twitter chat.

Friday, July 8, 2011

#Movechat Digest: Myths About Movers

Every Tuesday at 1PM Central Time, Portage Cartage moderates a Twitter-based "movechat" for movers and consumers looking for information on moving.  For the most recent chat, the topic was "Myths About Movers." Below is the abridged transcript of the questions and the responses.

Q1 - Name some misconceptions people have about the moving industry. We'll address the common themes in subsequent questions.

jkmoving A1: We're all a bunch of scammers, low-lifes, and collection of other undesirables. 
TopMovingTips That we make a lot of money! That we hide their boxes! That we drop things on purpose! That we're idiots! That we don't care! 
GoodStuffMoving @jkmoving Not to mention "high school dropouts"... 
TopMovingTips Ok, well, that should get us started...  
PortageCartage One of my pet peeves: "It should be easy to predict a delivery date on long distance moves!" 
GoodStuffMoving Q1 - That we are always available at a moments notice to do anything and everything for you. 
jkmoving DC's local NBC affiliate did a story this week on "avoiding moving scams." Relevant to Q1. 
TopMovingTips @jkmoving- Excellent resource! 
TopMovingTips A1- That we have warehouses full of trucks and hundreds of workers always available to jump with no reservations. 
ezmovers A1: It's a common misconception that we don't care, but hey our sales ppl are here to listen to your life story... 
PortageCartage @jkmoving I think if we played a word association game using "movers," one of the common responses would be "scam."  
jkmoving @portagecartage Boy howdy, you got that right ;-) 
jkmoving Like I said before, this is gonna be a lively #movechat this week ;-) -
TopMovingTips What can we do constructively to improve the reputation of moving and/or fight off the scammers??? 
ezmovers @TopMovingTips Educate Customers !! reach out to all prospect, past and present and tell them more! 
MovePoint A1 It should only take a couple hours 
PortageCartage @MovePoint Good one! How about "I have an average house with average stuff in it - surely you can give me a quote over the phone." 
TopMovingTips We need to create organizations that do to reform our industry rep what CarMax did for used cars... more or less... =) 
jkmoving Isn't that what #AMSA is for ;-) RT @topmovingtips: Need to create orgs that reform our industry rep what CarMax did for used cars 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips MoveRescue is going a long way towards that goal. 
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage Sorry to be the noob, but what the heck is MoveRescue? 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips It's an advocacy group to help victims of rogue movers. 
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage Yeah, but by that time, it's awfully late in the game, and the customer has already been victimized, right? 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips Review these for concrete examples:  
TopMovingTips @PortageCartage Thanks! 

Q2 - The most common theme so far is that "the movers don't care." How does a moving company demonstrate that it DOES care?

TopMovingTips Make the salesperson show up when the movers arrive... RIGHT! =) How about reminding what we CAN'T do upfront? 
jkmoving A2: top-notch customer service, from start to post-move, incl calling to check on the customer on day-of move. 
ezmovers @PortageCartage Demonstrate.. by doing a good job, be honest and tell the customers all they need to know :)  
MovePoint A2 refferals & testimonies  
GoodStuffMoving Q2 - Listen to the client, set reasonable expectations, listen to complaints promptly...basically, "keep on truckin" 
jkmoving A2: Also, quickly addressing and resolving damage claims. 
TopMovingTips Changing sales role to be more of a wise expert instead of snake oil salesperson, comping them more on satisfaction. 
GoodStuffMoving Analogy - A haircut won't fix the fact that your hair is falling out. But you still need one. 
jkmoving A2: Being responsive on social media and review sites (no surprise to everyone here on that one). Customers want to feel heard. 
TopMovingTips @GoodStuffMoving Difference is most barbers don't cause the hair to fall out in the first place. =)
GoodStuffMoving @TopMovingTips Ha! So true. But it really does feel like it's a problem only fixed by the same old practices. 
movertim There needs to be a time of bonding and rapport in order for prospect to have faith 
TopMovingTips One of the problems we have is that most patients don't think they can remove their own gall bladder, but most think they can move themselves 
GoodStuffMoving How do we show we care to different generations? As a young person, I'm wary of a salesperson. Older people aren't. 
TopMovingTips (patients who do think they can remover their own gall bladders are a whole different issue...) 
PortageCartage @GoodStuffMoving has a great question - how does a salesrep today convince a customer that he/she truly cares? 
movertim If we as sales people spend the time to try and find common ground with clients, they will trust us a little more 
TopMovingTips How to show caring? Ask a lot of questions and LISTEN to the freaking answers! As well as educating customers.  
ezmovers RT @TopMovingTips: How to show caring? Ask a lot of questions and LISTEN to the freaking answers! As well as educating customers 
jkmoving @portagecartage @goodstuffmoving Sales reps have to be a resource & educate customers about what they should look 4 w/ movers. 
movertim @TopMovingTips Agreed we need to Listen, but we must also bond with the prospect 
ezmovers exactly, it's not like salesrep don't listen, but more effort will be appreciated :)  
movertim One more thing all sale people need to loose the $$$ on their forehead  
ezmovers It's starts in most cases on the web, so user friendly, more personal website & then transfers to sales dept to take it personal..  
jkmoving @movertim @TopMovingTips Show you care and that you're listening, yes. Bond with customers? Hmm. 
PortageCartage A big part of caring is demonstrating proactive follow-through, both before with move and after. 
TopMovingTips I find that chocolate chip cookies really help. And Scotch... =) 
jkmoving For the sales rep or the customer?! Heh. RT @topmovingtips: I find that chocolate chip cookies really help. And Scotch... =)  
GoodStuffMoving @TopMovingTips bourbon brownies 
TopMovingTips @jkmoving Definitely the customers. The sales folks not so much. =) 

Q3 - How do you educate customers as to the real-life operational restrictions movers have?

ezmovers Q3 Sales again have to have a good idea of the movers' restrictions ..  
GoodStuffMoving Q3 - ...frequent blogging helps... 
TopMovingTips How much time do you require to work on/ to have worked on the trucks before taking their positions?
jkmoving A3: Be honest w/customers about what the law allows moving co. to do or not. Also, our limitations (e.g., items we can't move). 
movertim @GoodStuffMoving @ezmovers explain restrictions, help me to understand this 
PortageCartage Q3 can include things like delivery dates, availability of workers with short notice, dispatch logistics, etc.  
PortageCartage Dangerous goods maybe? RT @movertim: @GoodStuffMoving @ezmovers explain restrictions, help me to understand this 
jkmoving Agreed; help customers doing web searches by posting good blog articles RT @goodstuffmoving: Q3 - ...frequent blogging helps... 
movertim As a sales rep I educate my clients, I provide info that tells them what we can and cannot do 
jkmoving A3: Your website needs to be robust with info to help set customers' expectations about what's reasonable and what's not. 
TopMovingTips Is there a way to help people understand the back office operations piece, like bringing a 2-minute video &let them ask questions?  
movertim I tell clients to visit our Facebook, and web site for customer comments  
TopMovingTips Most of our websites are NOT terribly interactive or involving- just a wall of words and links with some photos thrown in... 
movertim @TopMovingTips No time for video on a sales call  
TopMovingTips I guess I am as guilty as anyone... =) 
PortageCartage @TopMovingTips I like the idea. Anybody out there have a 'behind the scenes' video posted? 
TopMovingTips You don't have 2 minutes on a sales call? Really?
jkmoving @topmovingtips Speak for yourself -- our website (OK, yes, recently re-done), has oodles of video :-)  
TopMovingTips If not on the sales call, refer them to the site and put it there.  
movertim @TopMovingTips not for video, there is too much more to worry about and discuss  

Q4 - How do you get around the perception that movers hire low-quality labour?

jkmoving I invite all of you to our website ( or YouTube channel to see video of our training house, storage facilities, etc.  
movertim @PortageCartage I let my prospects know that we keep labor within our company, no day labor on HHG moves  
TopMovingTips @jkmoving- much nicer than most, definitely. Much more attractive than mine. 
jkmoving A4: We say it over & over in sales calls, on our website, on social media: the extensive training, the background checks, etc. 
ezmovers @jkmoving I like the website a lot!!! good job :)  
GoodStuffMoving Q4 - Sometimes we even bring along one of the laborers to show them off on house calls...  
TopMovingTips Just wanted to throw in that I learn a ton from you guys- I thank you all. =) 
PortageCartage @GoodStuffMoving That's an interesting idea. Helps build relationships between the salesrep and the crews too, I bet.  j
kmoving Aw, thanks - feelin the love! RT @ezmovers: @jkmoving I like the website a lot!!! good job :)  
ezmovers Q4 We tell customers that we hire only legal resident, how good is that..not sure,but send out only our T-shirts movers! :)  
GoodStuffMoving @PortageCartage Certainly doesn't hurt any  
jkmoving Thanks - it was a big deal for us! RT @topmovingtips: @jkmoving- much nicer than most, definitely. Much more attractive than mine.  For the July 12 chat, we will discuss commercial/office moves.  

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